Foster Questionnaire

Obe's Angels Rescue is dedicated to provide safe, loving, and comfortable homes to our dogs as an alternative to shelters. Many of our dogs are pulled from high-kill shelters and need your attention, time, and love. The more loving foster homes we can provide for our dogs, the more we can save.

Fostering our dogs is at no cost to you. We provide all the food, supplies and vet care for our animals.

Fostering is a great way to give back to these animals while providing you with a rewarding experience in

rescue endeavors.

The onset of our rescue is very small. There is not an application for volunteers to fill out. One would just need to contact Nikki Rosenbaugh via email at As a start-up rescue there is a wide range of work and projects that will need completed and maintained.

"Obes Angels Donation"

​"Wish List"


Foster -------

Obe's Angels Rescue still needs 6 Dog Beds

Your donations fund cost associated with shelter release fees, vetting cost, and overall care of canines.

Teamwork --------

Help Our Cause --------


~Get Involved~

~ Donate - Foster - Volunteer ~

  • Baby Blankets
  • Puppy Potty Pads
  • Kuranda Beds
  • Soft Dog Beds
  • Paper Towels
  • Money
  • Dog Food (Wet & Dry)
  • Dog & Puppy Treats
  • Dog & Puppy Toys
  • Dog Collars
  • Kennels
  • Bleach

Your donations go directly to rescuing dogs from high-kill shelters and giving them a safe, permanent home.

This gal was rescued by her adoptive parents (the Copples) from a high kill shelter in Albuquerque, N.M. This pittie was shutting down, poorly taken care of, lonely and scared. Due to work schedules, the Copples were unable to travel the long distance right away to pick their new family member up. Our rescue was able to transport and foster the Copples new princess for a short time until schedules allowed. They named their pittie, Penny. Penny is now in the home that she deserves. Look at her now!

Volunteer --------